
Studio Tecnico Marittimo


The study covers the feasibility and the cost assessment to erect a shipyard capable to build and maintain # 3 * 60.000 DWT tankers in # 3 years. Once the shipbuilding process has been finalized, areas, facilities and main items had been sized together with dry-dock, breakwaters and at sea works. Design has obtained the satisfaction of Kazakhstan Government following their and RMRS classification Rules. Several alternatives had been studied. I.e. a repair shipyard, a shipyard to build vessel up to 125 m and/or 60 m in LOA, etc. Material and costs had been assessed. Construction and repair Yards fitted with concrete dry-dock, alternative fitted with a syncro-lift, and/or with a floating dry-dock, all had been examined, assessed and compared for construction time schedule and relevant costs.


Basic design
  • Classification plans
  • General arrangement, outline specifications, main equipment suppliers list
  • Project definition, conceptual and operational design, feasibility – costs - performances assessment, applicable Rules and Regulations
  • Feasibility studies
  • Project management: planning, managing and controlling
  • Technical specifications, bid evaluation and procurement